The Indigenous History Of Hemp (paperback) by Amir Caliph El Bey
In this book, you will learn and understand the true history of the hemp plant throughout the world. Being that the hemp plant has been linked with humanity for the last documented 10,000 years and most likely since the beginning of time. Indigenous and Aboriginals have been utilizing the plant for food, clothing, and medicine and in their spiritual and ritual customs. The book explains the Timeline, with visual pictures of how native’s aka black and brown people have cultivated and transported this plant around the world. This book will provide the past, present and future applications and solutions for this new trillion dollar industry. This book will give detailed historical proof to who was responsible for the media propaganda and false War on Drugs that decimated communities also who and what companies are to blame for its prohibition. The Indigenous History of Hemp not only addresses the current problems of Legalization without Repatriation or reparations but also provides real solutions and examples of those in the industry that are trailblazing paths in the mmj industry. Written and compiled by Amir Caliph El Bey aka Chief Red Wolf founder of The Indigenous Hemp Education Association.